octubre 29, 2014

Encontrar que proceso está usando un archivo

How to Find Out Which Windows Process is Using a File


How to Find Out Which Windows Process is Using a File

Ever try to delete, move, or rename a file only to get a Windows system warning with something like one of these messages?
  • "Cannot delete file: Access is denied"
  • "There has been a sharing violation"
  • "The source or destination file may be in use"
  • "The file is in use by another program or user".
  • "Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use"
One of the best ways to handle locked files or folders is to use the free Microsoft program Process Explorer. The program has been described in another article and here is how to use it to find out what program, DLL, or handle is using a file or folder. You will need to run as administrator.

How to find out what program is using a file

In Windows 7 or 8, the system message may tell you what program is using the file. If it doesn’t or if you are using Windows XP, there is a simple way to find the program:
  1. Open Process Explorer, running as administrator.
  2. On the toolbar, find the gunsight icon on the right (shown highlighted in the figure shown below).
  3. Drag the icon and drop it on the open file or folder that is locked.
  4. The executable that is using the file will be highlighted in the Process Explorer main display list.

How to find out which handle or DLL is using a file

  1. Open Process Explorer, running as administrator.
  2. Enter the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. Altenatively, click the “Find” menu and select “Find a Handle or DLL”.
  3. A search dialog box will open.
  4. Type in the name of the locked file or other file of interest. Partial names are usually sufficient.
  5. Click the button “Search”,
  6. A list will be generated. There may be a number of entries.
  7. An individual handle in the list can be killed by selecting it and pressing the delete key. However, care is necessary when deleting handles, as instabilities may occur. Often, just rebooting will free a locked file.
Process Explorer can be downloaded here.

octubre 09, 2014

Moodle questionnaire 1.9.1


To Install version 1.9.1:

1. Load the questionnaire module directory into your "mod" subdirectory.
2. Visit your admin page to create all of the necessary data tables.
( http://url/admin )

octubre 05, 2014


Moving the default system folders to different location is not recommended. If you would change the location, it would be on your own risk at Microsoft we do not recommend.
If you want to change the location for all the files including the Application data and personal files then you can follow the below steps by logging into each account separately:

i. Open Windows explorer and create a new folder is the desired drive (Ex: D: Drive)
ii. Re-name the folder as desired name (Ex: Documents)
iii. Click the start menu, in the search box type in ‘shell:UsersFilesFolder’ (Without quotes)
iv. Right click on the folder that you want to move to a different location
v. Select Properties
vi. Click on Location tab, select move
vii. Navigate to the location you want to move ( the new folder you had created in step 1)
viii. Click on select folder, click OK
ix. If you are prompted for permission of Move folder, click OK
If you check back at the C:\Users\ (user-name) location, you will notice that the user folder (ex: Documents) that you moved is no longer there, but is still at the Start Menu (shell: UsersFilesFolder) location. You will also notice that the folder at the location (ex: D drive) you moved the user folder to, now has the default user folder (ex: Document) icon.

If you have already tried these steps,
Alternatively, you can select only the folders you like to move by following the below steps:

i. Right click on the documents folder Go to Properties
ii. Under the library location tab, add a location where you like to save the files

Thanks and Regards:
Samhrutha G S - Microsoft Support.

Visit ourMicrosoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

octubre 02, 2014

Modificar el archivo hosts





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